KIRIWASCO’s commitment is aimed at achieving high levels of Customer Experience over the duration of our relationship with all stakeholders, as such we are committed to provide;


Ensuring that the flow of water at the taps is continuous and that down-times are short, few or non-existent; and guaranteeing that water is available, if not within the building, a short distance away – ideally less than 30 meters. It should not take more than 30 minutes in urban areas or more than two kilometers in rural areas to collect water.


The promise to ensure that the population in the service has access to water and sewerage services. Accessibility can be looked at in four overlapping dimensions: physical accessibility, economic accessibility, non-discrimination and information accessibility. Of critical importance in accessibility is affordability. KIRIWASCO will endeavor to provide water that is priced reasonably, whose per-unit cost structure is in tandem with other water services providers in other parts of the country and which considers the economic wherewithal of its target market.


KIRIWASCO will ensure that the water provided is safe to drink by strictly adhering international standards of quality water – both health related and aesthetic (appearance, taste and odour) related standards. This assurance relates to the whole water production system – treatment, storage and distribution. The water we provide will be free from micro-organisms, chemical substances and radiological hazards that constitute a threat to a person’s health. Furthermore, the water shall be odorless and sparkling clear.

Contact Us

Kirinyaga Water and Sanitation Company Ltd,

Phone: 0715 413 591 or 0746 555 368


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